Tuesday, October 20, 2009

N #1: Our Wedding Date

Today we have finalized the plan and important dates for our wedding.

When his parents came to my father’s house the other day for ‘risik’, our families asked us when is the date, and that’s when we realized that, although we know we want it to be within this one year, we actually have no clue about which date we want it to be our wedding date.

(Image by SeeSaw Design, from here.)

So it was decided that we need to plan, choose a date, then inform out parents on when we actually can materialize our wedding based on both our financial status and budget.

And I’m relieved that that’s settled. We have decided on a couple of dates, in which will be confirmed further after the ‘hantar tanda’ ceremony at my mother’s house.

Since that has been done with, next is for both of us to find my gold wedding band.


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